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12 Most important things You must Do as a Fresh University student in Nigeria. Do not IGNORE.

There's an enormous joy when a "Jambite" sees his/her name online in a University portal amongst the shortlisted candidates accepted to study a particular course. Right there, You are officially a student😁. The happiness, laughter and congratulatory messages that follow suit will make you "want to enter the best Eatery available to enjoy yourself "πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

I do not want you to return home sad within the first academic year, therefore sit down, relax and continue reading this educative post. Read all😊

Do not just go back to school to waste your time. There are 12 things you must do if you want to graduate with flying colours.

According to your belief, your religion etc. Your creator is VERY IMPORTANT and must lead you. Pray accordingly and everything will be made right for you.

Go to your department and follow the registration process stated accordingly in your department /college.

inquire about the courses that students in your department are meant to study. Not all year one students study same courses. There are general courses like GSS etc and there are departmental courses. Please find out which ones are peculiar to your department.

(4) REGISTER YOUR courses and adhere to every instructions written or set up by your own COLLEGE.

(5) WRITE down all the courses and their course codes(Very important). e.g GST 101-use of English and library(ABSU) or GSS 111(MOUAU) etc. CHM 101 or CHM111, PHY 111,112 etc and note their credit units.

(6) GO TO YOUR COLLEGE  and write down your course time table,  you can snap and store it in your Laptop or Phone.

(7) INQUIRE ABOUT the different Lecture halls designated for your courses e.g D block, Engineering workshop(MOUAU), lecture east, lecture west,  auditorium (ABSU)  etc. Write their names beside the courses you wrote down.
Check below for an example. I wrote with a pen just to show you how easy it is. You do not need to type it.

this is the best time to get closer to your  senior colleagues in the same faculty(college) or department  because they've been through year one before you. Learn from their mistakes. Ask questions about each course and the temperament  of the lecturer. Some lecturers are very strict,  some give tests unannounced, some are good teachers, some come to class to tell stories, some pay much attention to attendance,  some are simple and easy going, some teach simple topics but set difficult questions. Some hate awarding students "A" in their courses, some insists that to pass their courses you "MUST BUY THEIR TEXTBOOKS, some are womanizers 😩. Knowing your lecturers personalities will give you an "EDGE" to passing their courses. These will enable you to strategize your academic life accordingly.

Yes! you read it well.  Please  collect notes from your senior colleagues and read ahead. Most lecturers dictate verbatim. Some of them still use their 5 year Old note. Younger lecturers are dynamic and tend to improve their notes yearly but each of the topics can be browsed online for more informations about the topics. After lecture,  compare notes(old and current).

My dear, if you want to easily pass your examinations, past questions are very VITAL. Each course past questions will give you an idea of the lecturers pattern. Some lecturers do set questions on the THINGS THEY cited in class e.g ideas, points they highlighted which may not be dictated. If you go through past questions, read the topics and answer the questions, by the time you go through 3 or 4 past questions,  you must have covered (read through) your entire notes. You will definitely make a minimum of "C" in the course( as long as you did and submitted  your tests and assignments) especially were some lecturers repeat questions or ask similar questions in exams.

Please attend your lectures. Sometimes the lecture hall may be crowded, try to be there in time to get a good seat. In case you couldn't make it, ask students what's being said by the lecturer especially vital informations. Copy notes, and Listen carefully for announcement on term papers, group or individual assignments, presentations(If any) and tests. Most universities set out 70% minimum class attendance to qualify for exams, therefore you must WRITE YOUR NAME IN THE ATTENDANCE SHEET.

You must not for any reason whatsoever write your exams, tests or term papers in shorthand(symbols). e.g introductn(introduction). Nxt( Next), U(you), hw(how), hv( have)  etc.😠. The media and social life style of easy chats and discussions via text messages must not interfere with your understanding of academic norms.  No matter how good and intelligent you are, if you make this mistake of writing any answer in short hand,  you've already failed that question. WRITE IN FULL. SPACE OUT YOUR WRITINGS AND MAKE IT BOLD TO BE SEEN BY ALL.

Remember that first semester is only for acquaintances with your colleagues, after the results of first semester is published  then you CHOOSE YOUR FRIENDS πŸ˜„. It is then that NOISE MAKERS 😏 will cool down. Go to your Result board and note Matric Nos with good grades, find out their true identity and choose your friends ( always stay close to them academically) 😁. Please  no sentiment. If your secondary school BESTY or neighbour didn't perform well, please drop them "at home" but in school move with bright friends.


Are you a student, a sister,  a brother,  a friend, a parent, a mentor  please forward this information through this link
To read more on "how to calculate your GP/CGPA, how to write examinations, how to study if you want to pass excellently, why you shouldn't panick as a Vet Student while in the university, How to take notes in class"( COMING SOON).  YOU CAN READ ALREADY PUBLISHED TOPICS IN THIS BLOG e.g the terrible truth you didn't know about carryover " etc.

Good luck!


  1. I don't sit for some exams in both my 1st and 2nd semester 200l due to late school fees payment, does it mean I will carryover those courses.

  2. Thanks
    This information is very useful


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