There's an enormous joy when a "Jambite" sees his/her name online in a University portal amongst the shortlisted candidates accepted to study a particular course. Right there, You are officially a student😁. The happiness, laughter and congratulatory messages that follow suit will make you "want to enter the best Eatery available to enjoy yourself "😄😄 NOW LETS GET DOWN TO THE DRILL. I do not want you to return home sad within the first academic year, therefore sit down, relax and continue reading this educative post. Read all😊 Do not just go back to school to waste your time. There are 12 things you must do if you want to graduate with flying colours. (1) MAKE GOD YOUR SENIOR PARTNER According to your belief, your religion etc. Your creator is VERY IMPORTANT and must lead you. Pray accordingly and everything will be made right for you. (2) ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS/RULES. Go to your department and follow the registration process stated accordingly in ...