Veterinary medicine is a very tough and challenging profession and so is the undergraduate study. Vet students in MOUAU(Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike),devote their time fully in their studies which are in 3 phases: Pre-clinicals, para-clinicals and clinics. The fear of Marriage is viewed from two perspectives: (1) LECTURERS Vet. Lecturers feel that the courses to be undertaken in each class of Vet studies needs absolute concentration. They complain that students are easily distracted if married. In fact, some lecturers will shy away from helping students whose priority is marriage while in school. Married students tend to fail more than single students because they are distracted from their studies as a result of their marital obligations. Vet. Lecturers do not approve of marriage as an undergraduate, they advice that students especially female students should exercise patience,complete their first degree program before considering marriage. (...