For the purpose of teaching Young students and for You to understand, I use basic English in this blog. No big Grammer. Preparations like attending lectures, studying and engaging in tutorial lessons prior to examinations are important however, you may still fail your exams if you did not approach the examination with caution. These are the steps to follow in order to fulfill your exam goals. 1) Exam tools : Yes, you read it correctly. If your exams will start tomorrow, visit your college and find out the requirements needed in the exam halls prior to examinations. Ensure that you registered the course in your course registration form. You might want to bring along your student's ID card, your school fees receipts etc. Kindly ensure that you knew the Course to write the next day(via your time table), get your tools ready. If Mathematical in nature, your calculator should be ready, you might need a pencil, two or three biro(pen), a rule, compass, maset, graph, log book etc. ...